Occassionally while working with the dom(document object model) in JavaScript you might have to access CSS values of a certain dom element. There are couple of ways to do it. Let's check them out.

Getting inline CSS styles #

Inline CSS are CSS that are directly added to the dom, for example something like this

<div id="app" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; background: rebeccapurple; font-size: 23px;">

	const element = document.querySelector('#app');

As you can see, the inline CSS could be retrived by accessing style property of the element. Don't be fooled by seemingly decieving style property. You won't be able to access external CSS for any element with this.

You can also use cssText property of element's style property to get text representation of element's inline css

	const element = document.querySelector('#app');

Getting external CSS(Computed Style) #

You can get any element's computed CSS property using getComputedStyle() method. This will return all CSS of an element, not only the CSS added in the stylesheets.

	width: 200px;
	height: 200px;
	border: 1px solid #ccc;
	border-radius: 5px;
<div id="app2">
	const app2 = document.querySelector('#app2');

This will return all the CSS that element has, including the one you added on Stylesheet, you can use dot(.) notation or bracket notation to access any specific property you want.

	const properties = window.getComputedStyle(app2);